If you’re of a certain age (by which I mean: if you have any high school or hazy dorm room memories of the Reagan presidency) then you probably wasted a good amount of time in front of a tv set, waiting for the latest music videos from Prince, Madonna, Boy George, or The Bangles to show up on screen. Occasionally, government mandated Public Service Announcements would appear –– usually to deliver a health related message of some sort –– with the most famous PSA from that era featuring a somewhat dour man who, while frying up an egg in a skillet, would tell us all that the egg somehow represented a brain (“this is your...
Say Hello To My Little Friend…
posted by Matt
A recent visit to the doctor has left me a bit perplexed, with the need to do some research and self-experimentation. Let me explain… Myself, I’m one of those people who eats a relatively low-carb diet. Yeah… I’m one of THOSE people. And not only do I eat low-carb, but I also consume massive quantities of fat, along with hefty amounts of fiber, and large amounts of protein. And what do I have to show for this high-fat, high-protein, high-fiber diet? Absolutely fantastic blood work. With regards to my lipid panel, well, it’s amazing, with jaw-droppingly low triglyceride levels, phenomenal HDL to triglyceride ratios, and...
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