Brain Hacking With CILTEP: Say “Yes!” To Smart Drugs.

If you're of a certain age (by which I mean: if you have any high school or hazy dorm room memories of the Reagan presidency) then you probably wasted a good amount of time in front of a tv set, waiting for the latest music videos from Prince, Madonna, Boy George, or The Bangles to show up on screen. Occasionally, government mandated Public Service Announcements would appear –– usually to deliver a health related message of some sort –– with the most famous PSA from that era featuring a somewhat dour man who, while frying up an egg in a skillet, would tell us all that the egg somehow represented a brain ("this is your brain" he would intone), and that the hot skillet represented drugs.

And the chances are pretty good that –– after watching the ad –– that you really wanted to fry up some eggs.

Or (wink-wink and air quotes) "fry some eggs."

Anywhoooo… What the hell is my point with this flashback into ancient history?

Here's my point...

I'm going to advocate doing drugs.

And I'm going to advocate doing drugs for the sake of your brain.*

Now, before the DEA comes crashing through my front door without a warrant and starts smashing all my personal belongings, I want to clarify things a bit and say that the drugs I advocate doing are totally legal (here in the United States, at least), and that no prescriptions of any sort are needed.

I also want to be very upfront and say that I am not a doctor, physician's assistant, nurse, nor involved in anyway with the medical profession, so please take the advice and commentary that follows as simple opinion. Please do not –– DO NOT –– take this as professional medical advice.

So, anyways… In my humble opinion, I think that it's a very smart idea to take "smart drugs."

Smart drugs?

Yeah… Drugs that can potentially and –– for many people out there –– actually do make a person smarter.

CILTEP Capsule

Now, if you're a fan of science fiction, you've probably seen the movie "Limitless;" a film in which Bradley Cooper –– an aimless and struggling writer –– becomes a brilliant Wall Street mogul after improving his brain power with the pharmaceutical drug NZT-48. It's actually a fun lil' movie, and worth downloading from Amazon or iTunes. You might also remember the book (plus absolutely horrible movie), "Dune," and the mental characters –– human computers –– who fueled their brains with sapho juice.

Again, that's science fiction.

But coming back to reality and science fact, there actually are a variety of drugs and supplements –– commonly referred to as "nootropics" –– that can increase a person's mental abilities, focus, energy, and drive, and which do so with minimal side effects.


Myself, there are two very specific nootropics that I'm an advocate for, and which I use on a regular basis.

The nootropic that has the most impact on my ability to think, focus, and recall information is a relatively new supplement –– one that's been talked about on various online forums for the past two years –– and it's called "CILTEP."

CILTEP stands for Chemically Induced Long TErm Potention.

Fancy words that roll right off the tongue, huh?

In laymen's terms what this acronym really means is: "special chemicals and herbal extracts can help you remember stuff."

The truly amazing thing is that it –– CILTEP –– actually can help you to remember stuff.

Myself, I use a commercially available and pre-packaged version of CILTEP, manufactured and marketed by the Natural Stacks company. Natural Stacks is a fairly new company –– they've only been on the supplement scene for a short while –– though they do have Abelard Lindsay (creator of the CILTEP theory and product) onboard as their head of research


I purchase my CILTEP™ from Dave Asprey's "UPGRADED SELF" site (mainly because I think Dave is doing some absolutely amazing things with regards with to health, supplementation, and biohacking, and I'd like to support him), though there are more than a dozen sites on the web where CILTEP™ is available, including –– of course –– the NATURAL STACKS site.  Should you feel so inclined, you could even order the individual ingredients online and do a custom blend at home

By the way, if you feel like diving deep down an internet rabbit hole, here's a link to the forum thread where the concept and formulation for the nootropic first got its start.  And if you really would like to make your own version of the supplement, plenty of information about ingredients, ratios, and dosages can be found within the 79 page-long thread.

Now, if you will, let me get a bit personal and explain my reasons for using CILTEP™.:

Myself, I appreciate the mental focus that the supplement gives me, along with a real sense of drive and motivation to get things done.  Most important (and this is something that absolutely shocked me when I first noticed it happening), regular use of CILTEP™ has dramatically decreased the internal chatter –– the non-stop stream of random thoughts and sounds –– that plays inside my head.  

To make a simple (though scarily accurate) analogy, imagine going through life with the constant sound of two or three low-volume, fuzzy, poorly tuned AM radios within your skull, switched on all hours of the day and night.  Okay...  Given that scenario, now imagine the constant buzz of static and noise being dramatically reduced in volume, and sometimes even going away.  

That's EXACTLY what CILTEP™ does for me.  The static and noise –– even when it doesn't go completely away –– is dramatically reduced in volume.

And though I won't go out on a proverbial limb and say that CILTEP™ use is making me smarter on it's own, I am willing to say that the reduction in brain chatter allows me to concentrate longer and more intently on topics I find interesting. 

Let me also say that –– along with the reduction in brain chatter and an increased ability to concentrate –– that I find it much easier to pack away large quantities of information inside my skull AND that I have a slight but noticeable improvement in long-term recall.  

To summarize: CILTEP™ use isn't making me smarter, per se, but it is providing me with energy, motivation, and the ability to focus and deep dive into topics I find interesting. 

And isn't deep focus (along with energy and motivation) really the sort of thing that makes a person smarter?

I welcome any and all comments, questions, and inquiries you might have.